What’s Keeping You From Confidence, Self-Trust, and Liberation

"Because confidence is really trust in yourself, right? It has nothing to do with what someone else thinks of you; it's what you think of you."  Chrissy Metz

The Weight of External Judgment

Let's confront a question that often lingers in the corridors of our minds: How frequently do you feel held back by the fear of judgment, whether from your community, peers, or even strangers? The burden of external opinions can be stifling, hindering us from realizing our true potential. Today, our journey begins with the intention to cast off these shackles and discover the profound freedom that accompanies self-trust.

Chrissy Metz's words resonate deeply because they echo a fundamental truth—confidence is an internal affair. It's about the trust we place in ourselves, independent of external validations. I've experienced the weight of judgment, and I know many of you have felt it too, irrespective of age or life circumstances.

A pivotal moment in my life arrived when I consciously decided to release the grip of others' opinions on my choices. The liberation was palpable. The moment I detached my worth from external judgments, a newfound sense of freedom enveloped me. Trust in myself deepened, and my confidence soared. My desire is for you to savor this liberation. Whether in the realms of motherhood, life decisions, or creative pursuits, your path is uniquely yours to travel. No one else should have a say about it. 

The Power of Journaling

Now, let's turn our attention to a powerful ally on getting to self-trust—journaling. Journaling serves as a profound tool for self-reflection and growth. In your journal, let's explore moments when external opinions acted as chains, hindering your progress. How did it feel, and, more importantly, how can you liberate yourself from this restraint?

Prompts for Self-Reflection:

  • Reflect on a specific instance when external opinions made you question your choices. How did it impact your confidence and decision-making?

  • Explore the emotions tied to the fear of judgment. What aspects of yourself do you withhold to align with perceived expectations?

  • Consider the moments in your life when you felt most authentically yourself. What were the circumstances, and how can you replicate that authenticity in your daily life?

Envisioning a Liberated Life: Now, let's try a liberating exercise. Envision the choices you would make if judgment and opinions carried no weight. Picture the life you'd lead authentically, unburdened by societal expectations.

Prompts for Visionary Exploration:

  • Describe in detail the life you would lead if external judgments held no sway. What choices would you make, and what passions would you pursue?

  • Consider your ideal self without the weight of external opinions. How does this version of yourself approach challenges and navigate through life?

  • In your journal, create a visual representation of your liberated self. Use drawings, symbols, or words to capture the essence of your authentic being.

Remember, you wield the power to shape your life. Trust yourself, release the opinions that don't serve you, and build the confidence to authentically be you. Until next time, keep journaling, keep growing, and stay empowered!

Please comment below to let me know what you wrote about or learned from this. I would love to hear from you!

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