Trust, Believe, (Surrender) & Receive 

Over the month of April, Jenny has asked me (Liz Ellery) to guest post / share my personal stories and practical advice (& of course journaling prompts) on how I allow good things into my life - and how you can too. 

The topics I’ll be talking about are Trust, Belief Systems, one of my Favourite Books on Surrendering and how I’ve learnt to Love Myself more. 

With that said, please enjoy my 2nd journal article in my 4-part series…  

Here are a couple of short stories of where I’ve learned to trust, believe, (surrender) & receive…

Business & Wealth

In January 2018, I started my Branding and Website Design business, helping service-based businesses fall in love with their online presence. The first eight months of my business were financially successful, but then month nine hit, and things got quiee. This happened for the next two months and my mental health took a big hit. 

For all of my career up until that point, I had always worked for someone else. I had no worries about my salary, it was always consistent. Not so much anymore. My business relied on word-of-mouth referrals which I got at the start from a strong connection whose website I created, and she consequently referred 5+ of her clients to me, so word grew from there. 

I didn’t know much about marketing as that was never my role in my 9-5 career role - I was a creative, marketing what?! But of course you need to get good at marketing if you want to have a business that makes money. 

Over the next 6+ years, I would take multiple business-style courses, sign up for year-long masterminds and 3 month ones to watching tutorials on YouTube - you name it, I did it. 

I had such highs when I would have £10,000+ months to £0 months; it was always very sporadic, I just wanted it to be easy and not make me feel as if I was on a rollercoaster all the time. I’d flip flop from taking more practical courses to more energetic & spiritual led coaching to try and help me figure things out. 

It was in my 6th year in business when everything clicked for me. 

These are the 3 things that I believe changed my belief system around how my business now runs so easily and the first one is very practical. 

  1. I changed my package timeline from 4-6 weeks to a much tighter 2 week schedule and it was sooo much better. I loved it, and my clients did too! Much more efficient.

  2. I stopped trying to do what everyone else was doing marketing wise. I listened to my gut which said that it was ok to just get referrals. I didn’t need to chase anything, try a million different marketing strategies, they’d come to me. And probably because I have been in business longer, I had more ppl to refer me and boom… referral after referral kept coming in.

  3. I had someone believe in me and had no doubt that I would make exactly what I ended up making in my 6th year. I never would have thought that I could, but they believed in me so much - like it was a given.

It’s always good to believe in yourself but having someone else cheer you on is huge!

But the biggest thing now for me which is HUGE, is that I truly do just TRUST that a new client is just around the corner. I don’t chase them anymore or worry if things are quiet. If things are quiet, I’ll go and book a massage or meet friends for lunch or go for a swim at my local members club to get myself in a high vibe frequency. When I’m feeling good I attract wonderful clients. I 100% surrender to this process and it is the most freeing thing I’ve ever felt since starting my business. 

Exercise & Health

A belief is just a thought you keep on thinking. Yeah, let that settle in. When you really think about that statement it kind of changes things. If you believe that you can or can't do something, it's usually because you've told yourself something so many times that it's become your belief system. It's most likely not the truth.

"I hate running & exercise. Always have & always will!"

That was my belief for the past 30+ years.

I felt smug with that belief.

Exercise was for losers.

This meant I NEVER exercised.

Like ever.

And obviously exercise isn't for losers. I was the loser thinking that and making it my belief system.

In July 2020 I moved to the Cotswolds & my mental health wasn't doing so great. It was mid pandemic & everything was a bit shit. I started working with a life coach. I had some hopes & dreams I wanted to achieve AND the first thing my coach made me do was start running. That was her proviso, if you want to work with me, you have to start running.

I HATED running. I'd tried couch to 5k and could never finish it. She said, just walk and then run a little, even if it's for 20 seconds. Then do it again. Run a little more the next day.

So I did.

I started the couch to 5k app after a few weeks of my tentative walk / run routine. I completed it within 5 weeks. I ran pretty much every day. I lost a bunch of weight. I became the fittest and happiest I'd ever been. 

I was a runner. I was motherfu**ing runner! Me!!!

I entered a half marathon. I RAN THE HALF MARATHON. I ran for 2 hrs & 30 mins non stop.

My belief system was well & truly shattered.

My mindset had never ever been as strong as it was after taking up running & busting that long held FALSE belief.

I had 5-10 people that I know of, be inspired by my journey (I was sharing it all Live on instagram) & have since finished the couch 2 5k app.

They have all said it's been the biggest game changer for TOTALLY transforming their mindsets.

I know it may seem silly to some, esp if you're a regular exerciser but if you're not, I would 100% recommend trying the couch to 5k app to changing your mindset.

It's not just about becoming a runner. It's about realising what other false belief systems you could smash to smithereens. And the knowing... that you are capable of so much more!

Trust, Believe, (Surrender) & Receive Hacks

One of the things that I love to do to make me feel in the energy zone of receiving, believing, trusting and surrendering is wearing jewelley that has significant meaning to me. I have a couple of necklaces that have crystals in them, and I’ll wear them depending on what I need that day. For example I’ll wear citrine to get in flow to attract clients and bring in money. I’ll wear rose quartz for love. Moonstone for transformation and new beginnings. 

I’m looking to attract a loving, healthy relationship right now, and I’ve bought a ring from my jewelry designer friend, Amy Russel Taylor. It’s called the Surrender ring and has 7 Morganite stones (a crystal for love). This is the description on her website… 

Surrendering can often be the hardest part of welcoming in new goals.

When we look up the definition it means to "give up" but it's not giving up on our dreams, but giving up on the need to control how our dreams come to pass. A ring designed to be your reminder to surrender to the unknown and release the need to feel safe the known.

Your choice of 7 quartz crystals line up together to remind you that higher powers are working on your behalf to make your dreams come true. In numerology the number 7 is a symbol of intuition and being spiritually connected. Let go and be open to receive.

When I wear this ring, it makes me feel like I’m surrendering to the highest outcome. 

I have little ornaments in my home to get me in a high vibration, I do the same with flowers. 

My vision board is in my changing room where every morning I’ll standing in front of it and visualise all the things on it to have come true and be my reality right now. I really feel into it. 

I have my affirmations written on a blackboard opposite my desk so I can see them in my direct eyeline as a daily reminder of what I’d like to attract into my life. Bringing me onto affirmations… 


What are affirmations?

Affirmations are short, positive statements you repeat to yourself to shift your mindset from negative to positive. They help you build confidence, challenge limiting beliefs, and achieve your goals by rewiring your subconscious thoughts.

How do you create one for yourself?

Write out what it is you want to achieve / focus your mind on.

eg. Earning more money

Getting more clients into your business

Attracting a new relationship

Making your current relationship better

Becoming fitter

Now write a positive affirmation that makes you feel good when you say it. Write it as if it's already happened.

eg. Money flows to me freely & easily

I have so many new clients, I just love working with them all

I am in a happy, committed relationship with someone who makes me laugh everyday

My relationship with my partner makes me feel so blessed every single day, I am so grateful for them

I'm the fittest, healthiest, sexiest I've ever been! 

Now write it on post-its, stick them round your house. Make it your phones screensaver. Say it out loud to yourself in the mirror every day, repeatedly.

See the magic unfold!

How I use affirmations..

I’ve found that sometimes when people talk about affirmations they tell you to write it as if it’s already happened. All of the examples I’ve given above follow those principles. Writing “I am” at the start of your affirmation can be super powerful but what if you really really don’t believe it? That’s when it can be problematic. You have to feel a little bit like it could be true. So if you wanted to bring in a million dollars into your business annually and you’ve only brought in $30,000 the past year, then that’s quite a stretch and the affirmation may not feel right to you. Whereas if you wrote, I am so excited that I’ve doubled my business income this year. - this may feel slightly more attainable but still a stretch. 

For me, I’d never really exercised before until I took up running 3+ years ago. I wanted to change my whole health story around, and I came up with the following affirmation…  “What if I was the fittest, healthiest, sexiest I’ve ever been?”, and it felt so good to me. I remember saying it out loud when I’d run and not really feel it to be true, then I’d do it the next day and the next, and it started to feel really true. After a few weeks. I was shouting it out loud with a big grin on my face because it was now my reality.

As I reflect on my journey of trust, belief, surrender, and receiving, it fills me with warmth and gratitude. These insights have truly transformed my life. From trusting my instincts in business to challenging old beliefs in fitness, I've witnessed remarkable growth and resilience. Engaging in small rituals that uplift my spirits and connect me with abundance has been pure joy.

As you navigate your own path, reflect on those moments of uncertainty and explore ways to embrace trust and openness, inviting more goodness into your life.

In your journal, write about how you could be more open to receiving. What stopping you from receiving? What beliefs may be in the way of your trusting life a little and surrendering to what comes? What will happen if you don’t surrender?

Try writing a few affirmations and sticking them on your mirror, your desk, or around the house. See what unfolds.

Finally I’d love to know if any of this resonates with you and if so, please do share in the comments below…

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