Are You Ready to Reclaim Your Worth? 3 Key Reasons Taken from Set Boundaries, Find Peace on Why Boundaries Matter

Setting boundaries is not just a practice; it's a necessity for mental well-being.

The expectation in our society to overcommit leads to burnout; therefore, establishing clear limits is crucial for preserving your energy and time.

By defining what is acceptable and what is not, you set expectations that foster reduced anxiety and healthier relationships, both personally and professionally.

The act of setting boundaries is a step towards a life filled with less stress, anger, and frustration, creating more peace and productivity.

Understanding and implementing boundaries is the first step towards a life where you feel valued and respected.

I took three reasons to set boundaries from Nedra Glover Tawwab’s book Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself and reflected on how they applied to my life. 

Prevent Burnout: Protect your energy and time, avoiding exhaustion.

My chipped tooth serves as a lasting reminder of a time when my life was overwhelmingly busy, marked by personal and professional challenges. While I was passionately coordinating and teaching classes for our K-12 Gifted Education and Talent Development Program, my personal life was in turmoil due to a divorce and the demands of being a single mother. In those days, my energy was stretched thin, and I was constantly on the move, fueled by a youthful drive to prove myself and a deep belief in the program's value for our deserving students. This relentless pursuit came at a cost: not just a fragment of my tooth, lost in a hurried moment with a pen in my mouth and too many books in my arms, but also my time and energy, sacrificed during endless after-hours.

The incident with my tooth, painful yet overshadowed by the need to keep going, was a poignant symbol of my state back then - always running, perpetually tense, living in a state of high anxiety, even though I deeply loved my job. It's a physical manifestation of the toll that period took on me. However, this experience taught me an invaluable lesson about self-worth and the importance of setting boundaries. I've come to understand that I am enough as I am, and that relentless proving is unnecessary. This realization has been crucial in acknowledging that personal peace and well-being are just as important as professional accomplishments. Remembering the rigidity of my body and the constant stress of that period, I now embrace the importance of boundaries for self-preservation and peace. It's a testament to understanding one's worth and the consequences of neglecting it.


  • Burnout stems from overcommitment and lack of rest.

  • Setting boundaries helps manage your workload.

  • It allows for necessary personal time.

  • Protecting your energy leads to sustained productivity. Remember, your well-being is paramount. Set boundaries to safeguard it.

Reduce Anxiety: Clear limits can significantly lower worry and stress.

Reflecting on the time when my youngest daughter, Josie, was born, life was a whirlwind. Barrett, my ever-curious son, was nearly two, and Julia, my 13-year-old, was engaged in sports and various extracurricular activities. Amidst this, I juggled a demanding teaching schedule that included 8th grade English, senior dual credit English, a high school special education English class, and Student Council. Meanwhile, my husband, Aaron, was immersed in the arduous job of agricultural business and labor, a venture requiring immense effort, particularly with our challenging sandy soil.

This period of our lives was difficult and exhausting, to say the least. In hindsight, the essence of my struggle was not just the overwhelming responsibilities but also my reluctance and inability to set necessary boundaries. On occasions when I did attempt to voice my concerns about the burgeoning load, my pleas seemed to echo unheard. As a perfectionist, I pushed myself beyond my limits, deeply entrenched in an unyielding routine, failing to recognize the toll it was taking on me. This relentless pace led to a rapid decline in my health over the next few years, a decline I now know could have been mitigated.

In those moments of relentless striving, I wish I had possessed the knowledge and self-awareness I have now. A more reflective approach and assertiveness in communicating my needs might have spared me considerable hardship. It's a reminder that, despite appearances of resilience and capability, we are not invincible. 

The recognition from others that we are not Superwomen, coupled with our own acknowledgment of limits, is vital. This understanding can make a significant difference in navigating the complexities of life during those intensely demanding phases.

  • Boundaries clarify expectations, reducing uncertainty.

  • They help manage personal and professional relationships.

  • Knowing your limits brings peace of mind.

  • Clear communication reduces conflicts and misunderstandings. Setting boundaries is a step towards a calmer, more controlled life.

Mitigating Negative Feelings: Lessen resentment, anger, and frustration by defining your space and needs.

While it's unrealistic to expect the complete eradication of negative emotions, we can significantly diminish their intensity by introspectively defining our needs and boundaries. Whenever I encounter feelings of resentment, anger, or frustration towards someone or a situation, I initiate curiosity with self-inquiry: what actions, or lack thereof, have I contributed that may have permitted this behavior? Often, we find ourselves in situations of our own choosing, prompting the question: what changes can we implement?

It's essential to recognize the role of our self-perception and the value we place on our own inner voice. Limiting beliefs about ourselves or a reluctance to assert our needs can trap us in unfavorable circumstances. Certainly, there are challenging scenarios involving controlling individuals or, say, a relationship with a narcissist. Even in these complex situations, we must ask ourselves: how can we make different choices? What can we articulate to clearly set our expectations and establish firm boundaries?

This approach is not about assigning blame but about empowering ourselves to acknowledge and address the aspects of our lives we can control. It helps us move closer to self-respect and personal agency, where understanding and articulating our needs become key tools in transforming our experiences and emotional responses.

  • Resentment often arises from feeling taken advantage of.

  • Clear boundaries help others understand your limits.

  • They prevent feelings of frustration and disrespect.

  • Defining your needs helps avoid unnecessary conflicts. Remember, it's healthy to assert your space and needs.

Striving for a balanced life begins with setting boundaries. This practice not only safeguards your well-being but also fosters a life where stress and overcommitment are replaced with mental well-being and self-love because you deserve to feel valued and respected. 

Five journaling prompts to help you reflect on your experiences and thoughts regarding setting boundaries:

1.     Reflect on a Time of Burnout: Think of a time when you felt overwhelmed and burnt out. What were the contributing factors? How might setting boundaries have changed the outcome or alleviated some of the stress you experienced? 

2.     Assessing Personal Limits: Consider a current situation in your life where you feel stretched thin. What boundaries could you set to protect your time and energy? How do you anticipate these boundaries will impact your well-being and productivity?

3.     Confronting Negative Emotions: Reflect on a recent instance where you felt resentment, anger, or frustration. Can you trace these feelings back to a lack of boundaries? How might redefining your space and needs in this situation help address these negative emotions?

4.     Communicating Your Needs: Think about a relationship (personal or professional) where clearer communication could improve understanding. What specific boundaries do you need to establish in this relationship, and how do you plan to communicate them?

5.     Self-Reflection on Self-Worth: Reflect on your self-perception in relation to setting boundaries. Do you find it challenging to assert your needs? Why do you think that is, and what steps can you take to recognize and communicate your worth more effectively?

These prompts are designed to encourage introspection and provide a deeper understanding of the importance of setting boundaries for mental health, personal growth, and maintaining healthy relationships.


Please comment below to let me know what you wrote about or learned from this. I would love to hear from you!

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